Plans you can build your business on
Empowering 500,000+ businesses
Compare our plans
Business account & payments
Support services
Accounts Payable
Bookkeeping, Reporting & Expense Management
Team collaboration
1 account
1 account & 1 sub-account
1 account & 4 sub-accounts
Physical payment cards
Virtual payment cards
€2/month per card
50/month included
50/month included
SEPA transfers & direct debits
30/month included
60/month included
100/month included
Incoming SWIFT transfers
€5/transfer received
€5/transfer received
€5/transfer received
Outgoing international transfers (standard currencies)
0.8% /transfer
0.8% /transfer
0.56% /transfer
Outgoing international transfers (non-standard currencies)
1.8% /transfer
1.8% /transfer
1.56% /transfer
Customer service
Automated invoice import & collection
Automated payment processing
Invoice payment tracking
Supplier management
Accounts Payable
Available from the Essential Plan
Available from the Essential Plan
Available from the Essential Plan
Digitized receipts
Digitized & Certified
Digitized & Certified
Receipts forward
Custom labels
Advanced dashboard
Advanced dashboard
API integrations
External account syncing
Expense reports
Missing receipt reminders
Personal reimbursements
Expense & Spend Management
Available from the Essential Plan
Available from the Essential Plan
Available from the Essential Plan
Admin user access
Account owner included
Account owner included
Account owner included
Accountant access
Unlimited accountant users
Unlimited accountant users
Our customers say it best
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We want to protect what’s precious to you as an entrepreneur: your time, energy, and focus. Let Qonto get your finance admin done faster, right from the very first click.