Is 2022 the year of the ‘finfluencer’? During financial literacy month, we want to help our readers become more confident with their finances. This means offering resources, important definitions, and, sometimes, cautionary messages. When a new trend appears in the finance world, we want to make sure you hear about it from the right people first.
Should you trust Finfluencers? 5 ways to spot the gurus and the grifters

What is a finfluencer?
Generally referring to a group of TikTokers and Youtubers in the Gen Z and young Millennial brackets, finfluencers are people with public platforms offering advice and sharing personal experiences about money. Their videos cover budgeting, investing, property buying, cryptocurrency advice, financial trend tracking, and more.
Why should you be wary of finfluencers?
Finfluencers, like any trend, should be approached with an awareness of the history of unsolicited advice by people with varying degrees of professionalism. This kind of advice often falls under the umbrella of ‘self-improvement’ and takes the form of quick fixes, secrets that the professionals don’t want you to know, and expensive, untested elixirs or powders advertised by sponsored celebrities.
What should you look for in finfluencers?

The purpose of this article isn’t to list the best and worst finfluencers out there today. There are too many and such a list would be like giving you a fish to feed yourself for one day. Instead, we’re going to teach you how to fish: below are the 5 key aspects you should look for in any finfluencer—or even professional financial advisor.
1. Credibility
In their media release detailing a ‘guide for finfluencers’, New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority (FMA) urges consumers: ‘If in doubt, professional financial advice from a licensed advice provider is likely a good idea’.
Trust your gut
The first thing you should trust is your gut. If a finfluencer’s recommendation seems risky or they lack conviction behind their advice on an important aspect of your personal finance, pivot away from free advice and seek a trained professional.
Watch for disclaimers
Determining credibility in finfluencers can be tricky. Many finfluencers will include a disclaimer in their videos, assuring viewers that they are not a financial advisor and that they are not giving financial advice. This is good to look for, because it will remind you that what you’re viewing is ultimately the personal experience of an individual, a kind of public finance diary.
Do a background check
Look further into any finfluencer you come across. What is their educational background? Do they have a degree in finance? Do they have a business, or is their revenue solely from their social media channels? Do they have books published on the topic? Have they done any work with professionals, such as podcast interviews, radio or television spots, or guest blog posts on reputable finance-related websites?
2. Form of advice
This goes both ways. What advice are you looking for and what kind of advice are they giving?
What advice do you need?
Say you find yourself in a difficult financial situation. Perhaps you’re thinking about whether to invest in a property for the first time. You don’t have a lot of money and you might need to rely on this investment for years to come. You’ll need to know about property markets of the regions in which you’re looking, the housing overall market, the property’s condition, the real estate company you’re buying from—you have lots of work ahead of you. In this situation, a finfluencer giving generic advice or telling you which property market is hot is not going to be useful.
You’re looking for an expert-proven deep dive into financial topics?
What advice are they giving?
The same attention should be paid to finfluencers. Some of these content creators are sharing personal stories and experiences without giving advice. This can be a good thing. Talking about money is important and these videos can give viewers the vocabulary to articulate their own situations or steer them in the direction to do more research on a topic.
3. The right platform
You might think the only platforms for finfluencers are Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube. This isn’t the case, however, and considering the platform from which the advice is coming can be a useful way of determining how you should take it.
Youtube and TikTok
Youtube and TikTok will occasionally ban or make statements about dangerous creators and alter their video hosting rules in response, but, to be frank, they do this when the damage has already been done. TikTok now prohibits promotion of any financial services products, because of risks involved in allowing content creators to do this. But this was long after TikTok had already benefited from such content and promotion in the past.
Try other platforms
Expanding the platforms on which you look for finfluencers will in turn expand the idea of the finfluencer and clarify who deserves the label. Audible’s list of audiobooks from finfluencers is a good example. As a platform, Audible publishes books from professional advisors and authors, often with extensive research, professional opinions, and lived experience. In this way, Audible is a trustworthy platform because they have invested capital and resources into their content. Youtube and TikTok do not invest in their creators. They merely provide a platform.
4. Experience
Experience is similar to credibility, but there are distinct differences. Where credibility is concerned with occupation, education, and output, experience speaks more broadly to the way a person has conducted themselves in their career over time.
Finfluencers (mostly) aren’t professionals
Part of the appeal of finfluencers is that they aren’t professionals. Content creators, particularly on video hosting platforms and social media, develop a kind of relationship with their followers. The intimacy of their videos is often a reason they garner trust through one-sided interactions. We are often inclined to take advice from people we know because we believe they care about us. Finfluencers can have this effect. Remain aware of this when you feel yourself swayed by the advice of a content creator you follow.
Taking age into account
The experience of a finfluencer must be considered because the trend of these advice-givers skews young. While these generations are tech savvy and probably know a lot more than your parents about cryptocurrency and NFTs, consider the likelihood that they’ve had to make big financial decisions. Will they have gone through the process of buying a property? Maintaining a good credit rating? Saving for their pension?
5. Popularity
As this Guardian article on the pitfalls of the finfluencer trend points out, ‘popularity does not equal success’. Hundreds of thousands or millions of subscribers attached to a content creator’s name is a tricky marker of trust. If so many people are keeping up with this person’s advice-based content, they must be dispensing good advice, right?
- Staying wary of finfluencers will keep you safe from those giving bad advice
- There are certain criteria to which any financial advisor should adhere
- Trusting a professional financial advisor who is sworn to uphold certain standards will always be a safer financial move
- Take interest in what finfluencers have to say, but avoid the ones telling you to put your money on a recent trend