Frugal living is a lifestyle that anyone can benefit from. Many may perceive it as cutting experiences out of their lives or eliminating their social lives, but frugal living brings with it a lot of misconceptions. It’s more about re-evaluating spendings and living more comfortably with the money you have so that you can afford the things you really want.
What does frugal living mean?
Frugality in your spending is about being conscious of how you spend in everyday life. It means applying some degree of scrutiny to every purchase you make on a regular basis. Frugal spenders will often ask themselves a set of questions when making a purchase:
- Do I really need this?
- Can I find a more affordable option?
- Will I use this?
- How can I approach this more cost-effectively?
This kind of approach can be applied to more than just grocery shopping. If through loss of a job you find yourself struggling to pay rental bills you initially could afford, you might review your situation:
- Do I really need an apartment this size or in this location?
- How easily can I find a more affordable one?
- Will I continue to use all this space?
- Would it be more cost effective to move or get a housemate?
These kinds of interrogations lead us to be more careful financially literate spenders who consider ways to spend more frugally.
Is frugal living equivalent to cheap?
The key difference between living frugally and being cheap is in how we would use these terms. Where frugal is a personal choice, like choosing to eat healthier, cheap is a character flaw, often viewed as the opposite of generous.
- Price-focused
- Short-term thinking
- Selfish
- No budget
- Negative relationship with money
Frugal spending is more associated with qualities like:
- Quality for money
- Long-term thinking and forward planning
- Budget-focused
- Positive relationship with money
Frugality and generosity
As an example, think of two different approaches to buying a birthday gift for your friend:
Is frugal living worth it?
Frugality is not easy. It takes planning and commitment, and a consistent close eye on your finances—above all, it takes a carefully curated and regularly updated budget, depending on your financial circumstances.
- Save for holidays
- Be generous with your friends
- Enjoy spontaneous nights out
- Maintain a healthy diet with quality food
- Enjoy the occasional splurge
Frugal living is ‘worth it’ because by choosing to do so you’re investing in a better life for yourself. You’re choosing to use your money intelligently instead of haphazardly. You’re gaining control over one of the biggest aspects of your life.
How can I start to live a frugal life?
The first step is the most important. If you’ve made the decision to live frugally, you’ve already acknowledged your desire to change your relationship to money and to work on your spending habits.
6 tips for living a frugal life
The best way to start small with frugal living is by breaking up your spending habits into categories and tackling them individually. You can start with grocery shopping and transportation spending habits and add frugal approaches to social events when you’ve mastered those first two.
Frugal living tips for food
Sometimes, frugal living is going to ask a little more of you than budgeting and spending spreadsheets. For instance, how comfortable are you in the kitchen? If you struggle to tell your spatulas from your stirring spoons or your idea of home cooking is nuking a tin foil-wrapped fish in the microwave, we may have found a crucial way for you to live more frugally.
- Order for two, for one: if you’re ordering in for yourself, split half and save the rest for lunch. Look for cuisines that favour the leftovers approach: curries, rice dishes, pizza, etc.
- Pick your take-out days: leave aside money in your budget for dinners out with friends, and pick the day or days in the week you can afford to order in: maybe you like to start or end the week with a rewarding, hassle-free take-out menu
- Trust in foodies: instagram and the blogosphere are chock-full of restaurant enthusiasts dedicated to bigging up the cheapest spots in town. Do your research and you might wind up with a whole new list of frugal dining options
Frugal approaches to fine dining aside, the real savings are made in the kitchen. Try these approaches and live frugally without cutting the ‘fine’ from your fine dining:
- Cook and freeze: we’ve all heard this one before, but there’s a reason for that. Dig out the frost buildup in your freezer and cook meals you can freeze in blocks for quick reheating and long storage. Try pestos, curries, dips, soups, lasagnes, and more.
- Let Google do the work for you: if you’ve been scared off from cooking by the lists of obscure ingredients you spend lots to use only once, try adding words like ‘cheap’, ‘affordable’, ‘student’, and ‘budget’ to your recipe searches. Lots of websites promote affordable recipes and you want to bring those to the front page.
- Buy the books: the internet is a wonderful resource for recipes, but it’s cluttered with unprofessional advice. Reputable recipe books by chefs curating their collections to a certain theme can both make you a better cook and provide you with a whole host of frugal-themed cooking options.
- Cook for your friends: invite a few friends or family over and cook your best dish. One of them is bound to repay you with a dinner of their own and maybe soon it turns into a tradition and you’ve got one free meal a week. You can also try creating a rotating meal roster in the flat. It brings everybody together and promotes socialising through frugality.
Frugal living tips for groceries
The necessary companion to frugal cooking, groceries are a key element to a frugal life. Your access to affordable groceries will depend on where you live, and how much space you have at home.
Don’t buy what you can grow. More challenging for those of us living in apartments, but any amount of space can still be utilised for plants. Use your balcony or put up some shelves in your room to grow mint, sage, basil—any of the herbs you love to use in cooking, and you’ll never have to buy them again. For anyone with backyard space, why not start up a veggie plot? You could even sell the occasional basket of tomatoes or extra juicy pumpkin if your goods are overflowing.
Frugal living tips for entertainment
Are you easily seduced by the city nightlife? Is your idea of entertainment a lavish dinner and a pricey theatre show, followed by cocktails at the hippest restaurant in the block so you can catch a glimpse of the social elite? Maybe it’s not any of those things, but the way we get our entertainment can often be a drain on our expenses. This is often because we associate entertainment with fun, and we don’t think of frugality as playing a part in that fun.
Winter entertainment
Winter entertainment
It’s easy to just want to hole up by yourself and wait for winter to end, especially if you’re trying to live frugally. However, it’s not necessary. Winter can bring people together indoors for lots of different activities and result in some of the most cost-effective fun you’ll have all year.
- Board game nights
- Cooking together
- Movie nights
- Winter markets and mulled wine
- Karaoke nights
Summer entertainment
Summer entertainment
Summer is easier to find things to do—everybody’s out doing something until the sun goes down anyway—but it’s also a bigger challenge for those of us attempting to live frugally.
- Picnics
- Beach trips or lake trips
- Games in the park
- Nature walks and hikes
- Find free community events
- Bird watching
Frugal living tips for commuting
If we’re not careful (or in this case, not frugal), transport costs can build up on us. Fuel prices are soaring, making commuting instead a better option for everyone, but it always depends on your location. Germany’s Deutsche Bahn has reduced its public transport costs to €9 per month for the whole summer, but living in an area without transport infrastructure means driving may be the only way you get to work.
- Driving: organise a carpool, get your car serviced, buy cheaper fuel, park in free parking, use the company car
- Cycling: pick days of the week to cycle to work, buy a good bike
- Public transport: buy annual tickets, ask your company to pay for your transport ticket
Frugal living tips for holidays
You might think that going frugal means no more holidays. But this is more a ‘cheap’ approach and isn’t likely to do you any favours. Travelling and holidays are a necessary part of living a healthy life. Without them, we’re likely to burn out from work or feel claustrophobic from never leaving the same surroundings. This can lead to binge spending on nights out, ruining our frugal budget.
Frugal tips for hobbies
Your hobbies are often the things that keep you from spending needlessly, but hobbies can be pricey too. The key with maintaining frugality in your hobbies is to stick to the same ones. It’s about commitment and knowing you’ll stick with it before you spend the money.
- Borrow first: maybe you want to start playing guitar but you’re not sure? Ask one of your musician friends if they have a spare you can use for a week, or find a shop in town that lends musical instruments
- Set goals: Challenge yourself with new cuisine each week if your hobby is cooking, give yourself a number of finished paintings by the end of the month, start working through a list of books you want to read: establish milestones and work towards them to keep yourself progressing and focused
- Keep it fun: it is a hobby after all. Don’t take it too seriously or put too much pressure on yourself, or you’ll spoil your hobby and go looking for a new one, threatening your frugal lifestyle with more expenses
Frugal living is a challenge. There’s no doubt about that. It takes perseverance and dedication and frequent attention to your budget and lifestyle. But the result is conversely a richer life, one in which you can afford the things you want because you saved on frivolous spending elsewhere.
- Frugal living means spending consciously in your daily life
- Cheap living is short-terming thinking, frugal is long-term
- Living frugally allows you to afford more things in your life through careful spending and conscious saving
- Cook meals to freeze and budget your grocery shopping
- Come up with indoor activities in winter and go for picnics, walks, hikes, in summer to entertain yourself frugally
- Carpool, cycle, and cut your commuting fees with public transport discounts
- Travel frugally by staying local and working remotely
- Stick to your hobbies and avoid incurring expenses trying to find new hobbies