2022 has arrived and you might be diving headfirst into your list of new year’s resolutions. Along with eating well and exercising regularly, one of the most frequent spots on people’s lists is the desire to be more productive–both in work and everyday life. Perhaps this is because we live in an age of distraction: social media, meetings, multitasking and mountains of bingeable TV can all get in the way of you streamlining your tasks and maintaining concentration.
Increase Your Productivity: 7 Tips on How to Become More Productive

What Is Productivity?
In economics, productivity describes the relationship between goods and services produced (the output) and the production factors required for those goods and services (the input). The big question for you is: How much time do you need to invest to be efficient in your job?
Prerequisites for Productivity
There are a few key prerequisites for productivity. Reflect on these and decide whether any of them is missing, because they could stand in the way of your goal.
Enjoy Your Work
While you don’t need to enjoy your work in the same way you enjoy your hobbies, it’s important that you derive some satisfaction from your work and you can easily identify positive aspects. A positive frame of mind is more likely to breed productivity.
Appreciation for Your Own Work
This goes beyond the expected financial compensation of your work. If you aren’t appreciated in your work by colleagues, peers or clients, this can quickly lead to frustration, sapping any inspiration to do better. Think about the kind of gratitude you’re receiving for the time you’re putting in and decide if it drives you to do more or less.
The Right Workload
Even if you enjoy your work and feel valued, you can still be overworked. An excessive workload is a clear path to stress and eventually burnout, and along that path is a continuous loss of productivity. When you work too hard or juggle too many tasks, your organisation skills suffer and you lose track of your emails and communication. You’re also likely to make more mistakes in your tasks–you won’t show your best work. If you notice this happening, try to ask colleagues for help and disperse your workload or extend some deadlines.
7 Tips on How to Increase Your Productivity
If you’re satisfied having reflected on the above points, let’s get to work increasing your productivity with these seven tips.
Tip 1: Create To-Do Lists
Few things will add structure to your day better than everyday to-do lists. Creating one first thing in the morning or at the end of the previous workday will boost your memory for tasks and meetings while giving you a list of achievable goals for the day.
- When do you have to deliver what to whom?
- What are the next steps?
- What has already been done?
- Where might time blockers arise?
- Who is involved in the project?
Consider project management tools to diversify your to-do lists, while also adding concrete reminders and alarms for deadlines and meetings.
Tip 2: Set Priorities
With your to-do lists organised, you can now focus on assigning priority to tasks. Determine priorities by thinking about proximity of deadlines, length required to complete tasks and progress made so far.
Tip 3: Avoid Procrastination
Easier said than done, right? As we all know, procrastination is the enemy of productivity. Try to divide up your tasks into small steps. Give yourself little rewards of free time after completing each aspect of the task.
Tip 4: Know Your Own Rhythm
If you’re a freelancer, you’re free to manage your own time. You can decide if you’ll do your best work in the morning or the evening. You can adjust your schedule to your biorhythm.
Tip 5: Avoid Multitasking
Research in neuroscience has proved that too much multitasking can have the opposite desired effect: a reduction in productivity and increase in stress. The results of one study showed that processing several tasks simultaneously risks reducing productivity by up to 40%. This is caused by the human brain needing a few minutes to familiarise itself with each new task.
The Pareto Principle
Tip 6: Reduce Distractions
This one comes hand in hand with avoiding procrastination. It deserves special attention however because the digital age has brought with it a baffling amount of distractions, social media being chief among them. Many of us have several social media profiles and when you pair this with emails, IMs, colleagues Slacking you and your calendar sending you meeting notifications, it’s a wonder any of us ever gets anything done.
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Fortunately, with all this digital distraction comes a great weapon you can wield: the ability to turn things off. Mute notifications, alert colleagues you’re focusing on something and won’t be responding, put your phone out of reach and give each task the attention it requires.
Schedule Fixed Times
Tip 7: Integrate Exercise Into the Workday
Don’t buy into the idea that you should be productive eight hours a day. Nobody can do that. We all need time to reset and recharge, preferably outside the four walls of the office or home.
Misconception: Work More and Increase Productivity
The ones pulling 60 hour weeks aren’t necessarily the most productive.
Conclusion: Your Path to More Productivity
Hopefully we’ve demonstrated to you that, despite the numerous distractions in everyday life, there are ways around them that ensure you increase your productivity in everyday life.