Looking to land your first missions now that you’ve set out as a freelancer?
Before you seek out new customers, you ought to take a moment to define the scope of your services and set their respective prices.
As a freelancer, it’s common practice to charge an average daily rate (in France, taux journalier moyen or TJM). This is basically what you expect to be paid for a day’s work.
But sometimes it can be hard to find a good point of reference on which to base a fair rate.
Many freelancers intentionally lower their prices out of fear of driving potential clients away, but as a result they miss out on excellent professional opportunities.
Don’t fall into the trap. It’s normal to worry about pricing yourself out of decent work, but by underselling yourself you’re undermining the success and long-term sustainability of your business.
So then, how do you set your rates as a freelancer? What are the guidelines for charging a fair price? And what are good habits to cultivate in order to justify raising your TJM?
This article shares all the details.