It’s a difficult truth that the majority of startups don’t become successful in the long term. Data from corporate innovators Stryber shows that, in Europe, an alarming 89% startups founded in 2013 are failures.
11 tips on how to manage business finances
The below tips are designed to help you keep on top of your finances when running a business. Both periods of growth and stagnation will occur when running a business, and each can be as much of a threat to your financial management as the other. The important thing is to plan ahead, keep a consistent eye on your books and manage your bills.
Pay yourself
An investor’s mentality that assists with savings over time, pay yourself is useful advice for business owners. Putting it into action means investing long-term for retirement and other personal expenses that prioritise your wellbeing.
Invest in your growth
Investing in the growth of your business means investing in the future you hope to see for yourself and your venture. Alongside whatever monthly payments you put aside for yourself, invest what you can into future plans for your business.
Focus on expenditures and ROI
Keeping track of your expenditures and ROI is about tracking your spending campaigns and assessing what is working. Are you seeing increased traffic or conversions on your latest TV ad campaign? Are the paid ads on social media giving you the response you’d planned for? Only once you’ve worked out the returns you need based on how much you’re spending, can you budget properly.
Optimise your payroll process
Optimising payroll can be hugely beneficial for any business, but it takes a bit of work to do it well. It’s about more than just buying new software or making a few changes. Sometimes, your payroll system may require an overhaul.
Upgrade payroll software and go paperless
Upgrade payroll software and go paperless
It could be that the software you use is outdated, poorly designed, or not suited to your business’s specific needs. While it may cost more to upgrade or install and begin using an entirely new program, this is likely to be a useful investment.
Simplify your process
Simplify your process
How complex is your payroll process? Are you paying some employees monthly, others bi-weekly? Things like this can result in errors in the payroll system and may force you to spend long hours trying to see where things went wrong.
Outsource if possible
Outsource if possible
As a small business owner, you may simply not have the time to learn and implement a new payroll system, or go through your old one making changes. Sometimes, even though it is costly, the best thing you can do is outsource the task to a professional.
Take loans where needed
You may balk at the idea of taking out a loan for your small business, especially if you’re still in the early stages of your venture. How can you know you’ll pay it back without knowing how successful your business is going to be?
- SBA loan or traditional term loan: Small business government loans, this type of loan helps with startup costs and is generally favoured by business owners in the formation process.
- Business credit card and personal loans: More difficult to attain in the beginning stages, these loans require cash flow support for repayment.
- Business line of credit: These lines are ideal for managing day to day expenses. Flexible funding, they allow you to loan as needed, covering costs that crop up in your daily business activity. They work well as a safety net for unexpected costs.
Once you’ve determined the kind of loan you need, it’s up to you to assess your financial situation to the best of your ability at this point in your entrepreneurial career. Determine your credit score, earnings, length of time in business, and financial reputation, in order to best understand the kind of repayments you can afford.
You’re looking for the right financing for your business? Qonto offers flexible loans suited to your needs.
Keep good business credit
Taking out loans and keeping good business credit are directly linked. Stronger business credit will qualify you for a broader variety of loans, each of which can help your business in specific ways, as mentioned above.
What is your current business credit score?
What is your current business credit score?
The first step to maintaining good business credit is to first check your business credit rating. This will give you a clear picture of where you stand and what are some of the issues that need addressing.
Are there any issues or errors in your past?
Are there any issues or errors in your past?
Your credit score may not be perfect. Comb through it for errors, outdated information, misreported or incorrect information or even instances of fraud. Some of these may take time to clean up but it’s worth it for the result of a clean, accurate credit score.
Are your vendors reporting your payment history?
Are your vendors reporting your payment history?
Companies are not required to report trades to the authorities in charge of creditworthiness. If only a fraction of your vendors are reporting each payment, you may have a short credit history which will end up being harmful to your overall score.
Have a good billing strategy
Do you find yourself regularly needing to chase customers for their payments? Are you still waiting on payments from jobs done months earlier? It may be time to take a look at your billing strategy.
Automate your billing processes
Automate your billing processes
First of all, like with your payroll process, automate your billing process. It may take some time to set up because you’ll have to determine the following things:
- Automated trigger for when jobs are completed and invoices sent to clients
- Regular billing cycle (e.g. every 30 days)
- Automated payment reminders sent to clients when bills are not paid
Communicate with customers
Communicate with customers
Communication is key with most things in life; this remains true of your billing strategy. Let all clients and customers know how you plan to manage your billing, with a friendly email or electronic handout. This will alert them to any reminders sent, when the bills will arrive, and when you expect it to be paid by.
Keep track of your books
As a small business owner, try not to let your accounting become a low priority. With so much else to keep track of you might keep pushing back the task of reviewing your books and getting everything up to date. Doing this can cause serious problems in the future, however.
You need a business account that grows with you? Qonto offers flexible account models and extensions.
Spread your tax payments
Small business owners inevitably pay more tax than employees and will often have large tax bills to pay when the time comes. This is especially true when you are a new business owner and haven’t worked out how you can best organise your self-employed tax return.
Plan ahead
When it comes to running your own business, planning is everything. Plan how you would like your business’s trajectory to look, plan the goals you want to achieve along the way, and plan how you plan to achieve those goals. Plan, plan, plan.
Make a cash flow statement and forecast
Your cash flow statement provides information on all cash related income through the following means:
- Operations
- Investments
- Financing
The resulting statement from calculating the cash accrued through all these means is your net cash flow. With this statement you can provide analysts and investors with a clear portrait of all the transactions going through your business. The cash flow statement is arguably the most intuitive financial statement you can make due to the totality of understanding it provides you with.
Types of business finances
The two types of business financing are debt financing and equity financing. Most companies will use a combination of the two, but there are advantages to each which are worth exploring.
Debt financing
The process of borrowing money and paying it back with interest, debt financing most commonly takes the form of a loan. Partaking in debt financing may place restrictions on your company, because creditors tend to look favourably on companies with a low debt financing to equity financing ratio. This is because a large amount of unpaid debt may make you appear liable as a company. It’s important to use debt financing sparingly.
- Once the debt to the lender is paid, the relationship ends, leaving you entirely in control of your business
- The accrued interest is tax-deductible
- Forecasting expenses is easy because your loan payments will not fluctuate
Equity financing
Under equity financing, you sell a portion of your company’s equity in return for capital. This gives an investor some control over your company, say 10% of shares if you wish to sell that much. They will have influence over the decisions you make in the future. This is where equity financing has its drawbacks, because having more members with influence over your company can complicate decisions and deter you from your original goals.
- You have no obligation to repay the money acquired
- There are no additional financial burdens
- You will have more capital to invest in growing your company
- Choose between the owner’s draw and salary method of paying yourself
- Investing in your company’s growth demonstrates confidence in your venture
- Make sure you understand the return on investments and expenditures
- Simplify and optimise your payroll process with new software
- Accept that you will need to take out loans and learn which is the best for you
- Maintain good business credit so that future loans are not difficult to obtain
- Automate your billing strategy and communicate it with clientele
- Manage your accounting by frequently checking your books
- Create a detailed cash flow statement for a clear picture of your business’s financial situation
- Equity financing and debt financing both have crucial advantages and drawbacks