Tax-wise, your micro-enterprise status allows you to handle your finances via the micro-fiscal regime.
That means you have two options when it comes to paying your income tax:
Option 1: pay your income tax based on your yearly earnings, after an abatement to the effect of:
- 71% of earnings for commercial activity;
- 50% of earnings for services;
- 34% of earnings for liberal activity.
Let’s use an example to better illustrate how this is calculated.
Marie is a freelance developer. Her 2022 earnings were €30,000. According to tax law, her work is classified as liberal and therefore is entitled to a 34% tax abatement. This means that she will only be taxed on €19,800 of her earnings (i.e. €30,000-34%).
Option 2: opt to withhold your taxes
Tax withholding, or ‘versement libératoire’ can be an attractive option for freelancers with a micro-enterprise. It allows you to pay your taxes while you declare your income.
In practice this means that the moment you declare your income, you’ll pay an additional tax on top of your social charges, namely:
- 1% for commercial activity;
- 1.7% for services;
- 2.2% for liberal activity.
This percentage equates to your overall income tax rate.
In the end, tax withholding is the more favorable option of the two. However, in order to elect this method of tax payment for 2023, your adjusted gross income (revenu fiscal de référence) for 2021 must not exceed:
- €26,070 for an individual;
- €52,140 for joint filers (with no children).