Recommend Qonto and earn €80

Help other companies start their year off right by recommending Qonto directly from your app. You and the business you refer will each receive €80.

Over 500,000 companies trust Qonto

€80 for you. And €80 for them.

Iconography Fast


Invite your contacts to join you at Qonto. In one tap of your finger. Directly from your app.
Iconography Transparent


Follow the status of your referral in real time from your account.
Iconography transfer


You and the companies you refer can enjoy free, unlimited and instant transfers between two Qonto accounts.

How to invite your contacts to Qonto

Earn €80 for each approved referral.

Sign in to your account

Log into your Qonto account and click on Referrals under Settings & Tools. In the main menu, click More, then click Referrals to get your referral link.

Share your referral link

Invite your contacts by email directly from your Qonto account or by sharing your referral link with them.

Follow the status of your referral

You’ll receive your €80 reward within 7 working days of your referee spending €50 on their physical Qonto card.

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