Compare business bank accounts

Looking for the ideal business bank account? Use the following overview to compare Qonto with a selection of other business banking providers - and decide for yourself which one best suits your needs.

Over 500,000 companies trust Qonto.

Two good reasons to try Qonto

  1. Everything in 1 app. Qonto is so much more than just a business account: it lets you manage your finances by connecting invoicing and accounting tools.
  2. Gain time, the moment you get started. From account opening to accounting and team management, Qonto gives you your time back.

Monthly pricing

From €9
excl. VAT
From €0

Open account online

Time until account is available


Accepted company formations

Sole proprietors, freelancers, GmbH, UG, AG, KG, gGmbH, oHG, KGaA, GbR, and more
Sole proprietors & freelancers

Customer service

Answers in less than 15 minutes, 7 days a week

SEPA payments

Up to 1,000 included

Account overdraft


Payment cards

1, 2, 5 or 15 cards included
depending on the subscription
1 card included

Card types

Choice of: Mastercard Debit Mastercard World Business Debit
N26 Mastercard Debit

Virtual cards

1 included

Instant cards


Additional card costs

From €2/month

Payment limit

Up to €200,000/month

Cash withdrawal fees

X Card: no fees
Plus Card: 5 free withdrawals/month then €1 per withdrawal
One Card: €1 per withdrawal
Up to 5 included
in Germany per month

Cash withdrawal limit

Up to €15,000 per card/month
in Germany
Up to €2,500/week, up to €1,000/day

Premium metal card available


Team additions

Up to 15 included
depending on the plan

Document archival and certification


Sub accounts with individual IBANs

Up to 25 included
depending on the plan
Up to 10

Team expense management

Individual card limits, collective transfers and transfer requests, Instant Cards and much more.

The all-in-one account that boosts your business

Iconography Employees


Open your account in a few minutes, without an appointment and all online.
Iconography Transparent


Total account transparency. No hidden fees, guaranteed.
Iconography Flexibility


Choose the account plan that fits your business model.
Iconography Customer Service


We’re here to help. Our customer service team is available 7 days a week.

Detailed business account comparisons - make the right decision

We can’t make your decision for you, but we can give you everything you need to make the right one on your own. Compare the other business accounts from online providers and traditional banks and choose for yourself.

What is our business bank comparator?

Research transfers and debits

Know what kind of legal forms are accepted

Assess the quality of customer service

Compare all the available business accounts

Discover the selection of business payment cards

Compare accounting integrations

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Simplify your expense management

  1. Issue Mastercard cards to your employees and assign individual limits.
  2. Stay in control, in real-time, via the app.
  3. Rid yourself of paper: our receipt storage is GobD-compliant.
  4. Set up account access for your team and assign individual access rights.
SEO Highlight OneCard PusCard XCard

Smart Mastercards. The right cards for every occasion.

What our customers are saying

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Have any questions?

We are here for you and will be happy to assist you by presenting Qonto’s plans to find the offer that suits you best.


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