Your sole proprietor business account, boosted.

Save time and simplify your day-to-day business finances with Qonto’s tools and integrations created with solo enterprises like yours in mind.

Over 500,000 companies trust Qonto.

An all-in-one toolkit for sole proprietors

Make the most of your Qonto account with a German IBAN, bookkeeping tools, sub-accounts and integrated invoice management. All with a range of payment options like physical and virtual cards as well as international transfers in up to 32 different currencies. Always fairly priced, always 100% secure.

You’re in good hands

Iconography Bank

Always up to standard

Our security protocol is regularly audited by external specialists to make sure your account is safe
Iconography Security

Data protection

Your personal data is safeguarded under GDPR and is SSL-encrypted
Iconography Legal

Secure funds

Your funds are protected according to the applicable rules and regulations
Iconography Coverage

Guaranteed deposits

Up to €100,000 by the French Deposit Guarantee and Resolution Fund

Advanced accounting

Bookkeeping in a flash

Admin made easy

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Stay organized with sub-accounts

  1. Easily move funds between accounts
  2. Set aside funds for tax payments
  3. Keep expenses separate for efficient bookkeeping
  4. Set up instant SEPA transfers and direct debits on any sub-account

With you every step of the way

At Qonto, your account evolves with you. Upgrade or adjust your plan anytime from your app. Always 100% transparent and fair pricing.

Join Qonto in 3 steps

Open your sole proprietor business account in about 10 minutes

Once your account is verified, your IBAN is ready

All set - you can send your first payment

What exactly is a business account for sole proprietors?

What are the benefits of a Qonto business account?

What kind of documents do I need to open an account with Qonto?

Do I need to own a business account as a sole proprietor?

Which kind of plans are available for sole proprietors?

When do I need a business account?

How fast can I open a business account with Qonto?

How does IDnow VideoIdent and my personal verification work?

Ready? Let’s go.

Whether it's to examine the specific needs of your solo business, or to go over the benefits of Qonto's tools and features, we're here for you.
30-day free trial.