Make managing business trips simple

Business travel is smoother with Qonto. Order payment cards for efficient business trip management that keeps you in full control of expenses.

When efficiency meets peace of mind

  1. Save time managing your employees’ business travel arrangements.
  2. Give staff more autonomy thanks to customizable access rights and payment cards.
  3. Keep control over expenses with payment limits you set in advance in just a few clicks.
  4. Track budgets in real time from your account dashboard.

A smoother way to manage business travel

Iconography Peace of mind

Save time

Reduce the time you spend managing business travel.
Iconography Flexibility

Keep it simple

Manage your business trips from your fingertips, wherever you are.
Iconography Transparent

Gain visibility

Customize expense labels to track budgets from your account dashboard.
Iconography Customer Service

Enjoy 7/7 support

When you have questions, our support teams answer them 7 days a week.

Less time wasted

  1. Make paper expense receipts and reimbursement transfers things of the past.
  2. No more stapling bits of paper; gather all your receipts in one single app.
  3. Let our smart-scan software detect and calculate VAT for you.
  4. Someone forgot their expense receipt? Qonto sends them automated reminders.
Ui Topic Highlight Settings Travel Expenses PlusCard

Keep control of your spend

  1. Follow your teams’ travel expenses in real time from the mobile app.
  2. Set payment limits and expense type rules in a couple of clicks.
  3. Create your own multi-layer approval workflows for specific amounts. 

Payments cards designed for SMEs

Business Mastercards

Between 2 and 15 cards included for your staff according to your Qonto plan, then €5/month per extra card.
qonto cards

Customizable in real time

With just click or a tap in the app, define permitted expense categories and daily, weekly or monthly payment limits for each card.
Mustard  Cards Card Control

Fuel cards

Create payment cards dedicated exclusively to fuel costs, to be used in any service station.
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They save time with Qonto

WEB Photo Testimonial Charlotte Coquillaud Oe
WEB Photo Testimonial Oksana Besnier Poiscaille
WEB Photo Testimonial Hugo Chambon Movecool

Help your teams stay mobile

Find out more about business travel management

How are business trip expenses reimbursed?

How do you calculate kilometer expenses?

What are the steps to follow to prepare a business trip?

How can you manage your company’s business travel?

How do you define a company travel policy?