End app-switching with account aggregation
Make smarter business decisions with centralized accounts and at-a-glance cash flow visualization.
All your bank accounts and payment service providers - all in one place. Synced and secured.
Centralized data
See all your business’ inflows & outflows - complete with attached invoices & matched transactions.
Reliable reporting
Feel confident about your figures & make the best business decisions with always-accurate data.
Safe & secure
Sync all your accounts with end-to-end protection. Your transaction data is stored securely & we never save your passwords.
Thousands of banks & payment services
Put an end to constantly switching between apps: securely connect your accounts from thousands of banks & payment service providers.
Pilot all your business finances, with up-to-date overviews of all your transactions & balances. All in one place - without leaving Qonto.
One platform, one dashboard. All your accounts.
Up-to-date financial management
Better business decisions start with centralized finances. Get a complete, at-a-glance overview of your transactions with all your accounts on one dashboard.
No more manual errors, false forecasts & budget overruns
Always a step ahead of potential challenges - even on the go. Compare month-over-month cash flow & spot trends across all your connected accounts.
Simplified invoice collection
No more manual data-entry errors. Bring together invoice collection & transaction reconciliation on a single platform, ready to export.
Up-to-date financial management
Better business decisions start with centralized finances. Get a complete, at-a-glance overview of your transactions with all your accounts on one dashboard.
No more manual errors, false forecasts & budget overruns
Always a step ahead of potential challenges - even on the go. Compare month-over-month cash flow & spot trends across all your connected accounts.
Simplified invoice collection
No more manual data-entry errors. Bring together invoice collection & transaction reconciliation on a single platform, ready to export.
Our customers
say it best
See how it works
Win back valuable time thanks to centralized financial management.
Check out the demo to find out how to connect your external accounts to Qonto.
Ready to get started?
Centralize all your business accounts - safely and securely - on one platform.
Get a clearer overview of your business finances and make the right decisions for your growth.